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Golden Pinwheel Young Illustrators Competition

The Golden Pinwheel Young Illustrators Competition is an international illustration contest held annually as part of the China Shanghai International Children’s Book Fair (CCBF), with the support of the Shanghai Press and Publication Administration. Since its creation in 2015, the competition has been providing a venue for emerging illustrators to showcase their talent. It aims to build bridges between them and children's publishers, both locally and globally.

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Children Plus

In 2019, CCBF launched “Children Plus”, a new stream of events aiming to cast light on a trend, a topical subject, a book category or a theme of special relevance for the global publishing industry, whether because it has marked its past or because it is shaping its present through vigorous trends and an innovative production. Every year, Children Plus will identify a different category of books—relevant from both international and local perspectives—to become a highlight of the CCBF programme. Children Plus features:

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2024评委阵容 (690 x 460 像素) (7)

Travel & Hotel Recommendation

We recommend a professional hotel booking agent to provide you with a convenient and discounted booking experience, ensuring your trip to CCBF is comfortable and worry-free.

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